Sanafoam offers a full line of mattresses and pillows in Memory foam to give everyone the maximum comfort. Thanks to viscoelastic material, our products are able to follow your movements wrapping the body in a soft hug for a healthy relax. Memory foam is composed of polyurethane foam with additional chemicals increasing its viscosity and density. Its main characteristic is to change according to the body heat and quickly mold to the shape of each person. Memory foam molds to the body shape in response to heat and pressure, evenly distributing body weight. It then returns to its original shape once you remove the pressure. Memory foam was developed in 1966 by NASA's researchers to improve the safety of aircraft cushions and provide maximum comfort to the astronauts. Later, Memory foam started to be commercialized and its use has been expanded to other areas such as bedding. Its most common domestic uses are mattresses, pillows and blankets. It has medical uses as well, such as wheelchair seat cushions, hospital bed pillows and padding for persons suffering long-term pain or postural problems. The purpose is to obtain a distribution of the weight both in static and dynamic conditions. The viscoelastic foam is a temperature-sensitive material therefore a stiffening at low temperatures is normal.